
Do you feel like you have to fix it?

Published about 1 year ago • 3 min read

Hello Reader,

I remember learning that one can consider themselves fluent in another language when they start dreaming in it. Well, I'm wondering if the same is true when learning something new? If that's the case, then I've definitely crossed the line into fluency with my clinical counseling education.

My wildly outrageous dreams are filled with vivid and disturbing storylines and characters, diagnoses and treatment plans. Sometimes I'm trapped in an underground tunnels. Other times the city before me is on fire, and my husband is grabbing my hand and saying run. No doubt my mind, body, and soul are desperately trying to process what my clients are walking through as well as this season in my personal life.

The fact is that I'm not only walking in deep waters with clients but I'm also smack in the middle of a significant life transition! My husband and I are about to become empty nesters as our babies graduate from high school and head off to college. In the midst of celebrating such a milestone, there have been daily reminders that every day is a gift and the future is not guaranteed as numerous people around us are in the middle of health crises in which the reality of death's door is too close for comfort.

So how do I make sense of the suffering in the midst of so many blessings?

The answer is simple. I don't, but I know the One who does.

I find myself muttering, "God is Sovereign!" which are the words my precious mother-in-law impressed upon my heart whenever I brought her my troubles. It's serving me well to remind myself of this truth between client sessions and Caringbridge updates as I choose to cling Hope that does not disappoint.

However, it is not only my faith that is a resiliency factor. I'm also able to move through these challenges because of the mental health care I've embraced for myself and the self-care practices that are becoming more and more familiar.

This trifecta of faith-healing-habits enable me to hold space for all the emotions and questions, both mine and others.

Honestly, it is a miracle to be at this milestone! I learned through a training on ACEs (Adverse Childhood Experiences) that individuals who have endure childhood abuse and/or neglect struggle to process their own emotions and tolerate others!

Friend, that was me! Maybe it is you too!

Do you feel like you always need to fix everyone's problems in order to feel okay?

Is the happiness of others intertwined with yours?

Are you constantly trying to tie a bow on painful situations?

Can you feel your blood pressure rise when your children are upset over little things?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, it may be that you have trouble processing uncomfortable emotions in others and yourself. That was me, until I began the healing work on my own heart, mind, and soul.

By grace of God, the investment in counseling and equine-assisted coaching and learning has radically set me free from being Mrs. Fix It.

I've come to believe is that when we hold space for the emotions and struggles, we are beholding only part of the whole story that is yet to unfold.

All we can do is acknowledge what we feel, release what we can't control, and trust in the goodness, kindness, and love of the Author who is still at work.

Maybe you're ready to do this kind of work in yourself to get to the place of living surrendered and at rest too.

If so, I'm here for you.

There's nothing I delight in more than walking alongside a sister motivated to heal and grow, not only for herself but for the sake of radically impacting the next generation.

Book a consultation session with me so we can chat about the next healing step forward!

Peace and grace,


Founder of

Growth Opportunities

My caseload is now open again for counseling clients (Pennsylvania residents only) and I have a few spots for online coaching and equine-assisted sessions this summer. Just reply by email and I will guide you in the next steps.

Now is the time to book your Restorative Retreat for summer and fall!

Interested in a planning creative Leadership Development and Team Building Workshop for your company, church, or school? Drop me an email or complete the form on this page.

For the middle school and high school girls in your life, I'll be speaking at the Girls Spark Summit in Frazer, PA.

by Lisa Pulliam

Online and Equine-Assisted Personal and Professional Development Coaching and Learning for Youth, Adults, Families, and Groups!

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