
The WISE Riders Club is open! {Limited Time Enrollment!}

Published 6 months ago • 1 min read

Hello Reader,

Is it time to get your mojo back?

Take a moment.

Close your eyes.

Remember that courageous little girl inside . . . or the one you wanted to be when Wonder Woman popped up on the boxed TV in your living room with the shaggy rug.

Yes, it is time to dust off that little girl who felt she could do anything and give her a leg up with the wisdom you have today!

Not sure that is something you can muster up the energy to do on your own?

Well, now you don't need to.

The WISE Riders Club promises to be a remarkable community for you.

Hosted by Andrea Wady, is bringing together some of the best minds in the horse industry that share one thing in common . . . they are all of a certain age. The WISE Riders Club is all about embracing the wisdom of age while pursuing the ride with joy and confidence, all through the years.

Learn More about the WISE Riders Club here.

Enrollment is only open for a limited time, so don't delay.

And as always, I'm here for you and can offer you one-on-one support! Let's hop on a Discovery Call and begin exploring your growth options together.

Growing together,


by Lisa Pulliam

Online and Equine-Assisted Personal and Professional Development Coaching and Learning for Youth, Adults, Families, and Groups!

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